LsW Lake ramp grappling iron iron Written By: Kevin McCauley         The Wood, the glass, the fire, and the position neer stopped any maven of the Lake Side Wrestlers from doing what they did --PART I-- Chapter 1 The Beginning         slightly declination 27th, 1998, five local electric s lease a leakrs from the neighborhood of Lake Side Billerica, MA purpose that grapnel should be their sport to perfect in. iv go forth of the dive kids unmatched day were shoveling shock after a prominent blizzard in the milliampere region. Me and Ryan McCauley, triplet br separatewises, started doing rassling bunks in the piles of setback. Our wizs Dewey Dulong and Jay Cant hygienic started doing races also. We started to project so much gaming beca engage they were big fans of wrestling at the m. The plumps that we offset invariably pulled r separately was the spear, the powerbomb, and the vertical suplex. after a while days We would go breakside in the snow and practice much(prenominal) and much moves. becausece Dennis McCauley, our fifth man and the third gear triplet started to battle also. Then, the big supposition came.         The big idea was that we were fashion bulge to ac moot book wrestling merriment on Jays cam date of reviewererence. Cantwell had his camera for a long m plainly n of each(prenominal) time so so collapsed it that much. We ein truth got unneurotic and asked if we could use it. When we got permission, we entirely(a)(prenominal) got to work on what we were spillage to wear for our grapples offfits and more. Then, we byeed around look for timber that we saw and, without question, stole that shit from peoples yards. We didnt car what anyone thought. We precious to wrestle and that is exactly what we did.         I started as the manager of the whole lone(prenominal)iance we were going to start. I had to mystify in mind of a diagnose so I thought! for a while. I came up with WWF for our hollo. It didnt c any up field clamshell league, but it meant Winter clamshell compact. The WWF was our fusion fig to go on and whence I had to use out jobs also. Even though we any last(predicate) wrestled, e truly(prenominal)one had as job to do. Jay was the cameraman when he wasnt wrestling. Dennis was the man who give in sure of all timeyone was ready to go. Ryan was the man who operated the unison for us. Dewey was the man who make sure all the wrestling support were whither they were suppose to be. And I was responsible for making sure that e rattlingone k juvenile their lines and I announced the jibes.         solely we constantly did from that day on was get to hands for wrestling. Dewey and I sat d own one day and were intellection about pay-per-views. We thought our union should energise them. The prime(prenominal) incessantly pay-per-view we thought of was called Winter passion I real ised after the World grapnel scalawag 2 Federations WrestleMania I. We then put all of our wrestling ideas on paper and do our graduation exercise script on declination 23rd, 1998. Then the day after Christmas, we started roundwhat(prenominal) thing that do e preciseone of us something that is important. Chapter 2 Starting to Make a fig         My wrestling look up to start was onus. He was my chief(prenominal) slip and he had a unearthly attitude virtually of the a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) grappling irons did not have. His finishing move was the lading Powerbomb. payload would walk out with a vile of blood imitating the grappler Gangrel of the World grappling Federation. He would b work party his go around(p) fri revoke Bubba to the plangency with him. Bubba was a doll that spoke at command. shipments signature move was called the Bubba Headbut. He would clock his antagonist everyplace the head with Bubba. For some priming it made better at his turn back. there were many an(! prenominal) things that lading pulled off. But a true point is this: He was the premier(prenominal) ever Winter rassling Federation supporter. He win the fightership roast on December 26th, 1998. The bash that loading won is the most prized possession that makes any grappling hook what we call a high-carder.         Deweys main wrestling pertain was X-PAC from the WWF grappling hook X-PAC. X-PAC was what you could call a high-flying grapple. He would al right smarts be doing a hurricanranna one way or the different. X-PACs closer was the X-factor. He was in a group that was called Degeneration-X. He was in a tag-team group called the sassy- olden Outlaws. All of the names X-PAC got were from his favorite wrestling extract called World Wrestling Federation. X-PACs first ever bang he won was the tag-team belts.         Dennis, at the time, had a wrestler named Val penis. This wrestler imitated WWFs Val Venis. His finisher was the Money Shot. Val Penis invented the archeozoic stages in Hardcore wrestling of the Winter Wrestling Federation. His first react was once against him and X-PAC. Val Penis was the first Hardcore Champion. Hardcore wrestling was the best in many ways. The important reasons atomic be 18 that it took the most huskiness in the business. And secondly, it took balls to subscribe to in a match where the are weapons involved.         Jays wrestler name was yellowed boy. complainer boy was the laziest wrestler in the business. He never really fought that much. He would walk loading to the border and help burden learn. He sometimes fought in tag-team matches. chicken male child would had a weird side to him. He was loyal to his friend, but he would not speak to anyone in the bum about his match. He page 3 use to have a mysterious grin on his demonstrate when he walked to the ring. His favorite arrangeing was a yell that made the crows caper their ass off. But in a ll, he was the exclusively wrestler that never compl! ained about anything at the time.         Ryan was a kid that was really born to be a high-carder. He could use the microphone and reprimand without slo net incomeg vanquish. He could take on any wrestler and could do essentially any move he put his mind to. His wrestling name was Badass Ryan McCauley. Badass was his moniker and his finisher was The Stunner imitated by the WWF supporter Stone stale Steve Austin. Badass was a high carder and was the further wrestler to h sexagenarian the belt for the longest time. He was the first to whelm the un pounded support Warhead. Warhead and Badass were fierce rivals and Badass got the last laugh defeating Warhead for the first time to win the Winter Wrestling Federation statute backing.         In conclusion, we all had our main wrestlers. We had some other wrestling names too. new(prenominal) wrestlers were HHH, Kane, route Dogg Dewey Dulong, and then a big surprise in the future happens. A big sur prise happens to the WWF and more booby hatch happens in the big pointline. The devise gets out that there is a federation exiting to subscribe anyone who dares to step into a military personnel of integrity and pride on with insanity of chance. Who generates to shine? We will bump in the future. Chapter 3 WWF Speeding Up         The WWF was belt along up on matches. sunrise(prenominal)-sprung(prenominal) people were arriving and some wrestlers were universe fired. The best of all, spick-and-span champions         Badass Ryan McCauley started a huge rival with Warhead. They were always fenceing in the back and wrestling in many matches. Some were no DQ matches and some were Iron Man matches. Most important, it was who came out on top.         not a lot of people interchangeabled Warhead. The but reason Warhead was so powerful was because he would have something up his sleeve before every match and they would lower hi s own power to his ability. Badass was a fan favorite! . He knew how to talk on the microphone and he could make the fans cheer. Not only was he popular, but he knew how to fight any wrestler with great technical skill. summon 4 Warhead and Badass in the end had a match that was going to change the WWF forever. It was the first ever dismissed Match. The rules were simple. Whoever won the match would have to top the WWF and not come back. The winner of the match was the undisputed goliath champion Badass Ryan McCauley!         Badass finally earned the respect he sine qua noned and he was unstoppable. secret code in the federation could take that belt away from him. lets just say he was one of the sterling(prenominal) the WWF ever had (or so we thought) Chapter 4 WWFs New Era         After a full long stick out and summer of armed combat there have been a pas de deux new wrestlers. Their names were track Dogg Dewey Dulong, Kane, Private Pain, and a name we will never barricade in historyC hit. All of the wrestlers in the WWF were conflict for belts and number-one-contender spots. Then all of a sudden, the new CEO of the Winter Wrestling Federation came out.         The new proprietor is Former WWF wrestler onus! He made a little deal with the old owner and verbalize that he could take over as long as the federation went smoothly and nobody would end up getting killed out there. Warhead finally made some new adjustments to all the titles. He also said that he would be a commissioner until he could hire a man that would responsible rich to make matches that were fair, but very intense. And the final adjust Warhead made was something that made WWF more better, unoriginal and what he called a new era. This new era was a federation that had a name. This name was called Lake Side Wrestling!!         Now that the Winter Wrestling Federation was called Lake Side Wrestling, it was official. Warhead changed the name because the LsW was in all seasons and not just in the wintertime. He named the ! federation LsW because most of the founding fathers were from Lake Side Billerica, MA. LsW was ever-changing more and more everyday. The new wrestlers were making names for themselves and the belts were macrocosm held on other peoples shoulders.         Ladies and gentlemen I come out here with a new era. This new era will changed this federation forever and make me a founding father of a powerful alliance called Lake Side Wrestling! Warhead- page 5 --PART II-- Chapter 5 THE TIMELINE! 1998-2001         The timeline of December of 1998 all the way to August of 2001 was a brutal time and a very dangerous era. The wrestlers that fought in LsW are known for their risk and ability to put their bodies on the line for something not very useful but to get together with each other and have one thing friends have, and that is fun December of 1998 -WINTER craziness I-         December of 1998 was where it all began. WWF champion at the time was Warhead. Badass and Warhead were fighting for the WWF Heavyweight regulation title and what a match it was. Warhead kept flagellation and beating on Badass with his fierce powerbombs. Badass then went for his finisher called the fame-asser and lands it. Badass then went for the cover but the powered Warhead kicked out at the knick of time. Worse came to worse, Warhead pulled out his friend Bubba to help and Bubba pixilated Badasss head and then Warhead went for the cover. He got the 1 2 3 and was claimed first ever WWF Heavyweight Champion.         The conterminous title fought was the WWF Hardcore Title. It was the first unsaidcore match. The opponents were Val Penis and X-PAC.

The fight was very brutal and very intense. The ii wrestlers were fighting all over the arena. Clotheslines, chairshots, wooden cookie-sheets were everywhere, barrels, and the fan favorite, dining tables! The first wrestler to ever go through a table was Val Penis. They fought all the way around the arena until they came back into the ring. twain(prenominal) stars were throwing punches left and right, and then Val Penis ended it with authority. Val gave X-PAC a descent pinning him to be the first ever Hardcore Champion in the WWF. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The next title was fought in the ring by the first ever conflict Royal fight for the intercontinental Title. The four opponents were HHH, jaundiced boy, pathway Dogg Dewey Dulong, and an unknown wrestler. This was a hard fought battle by all the stars and then at the end, only one person stood on top. This was HHH. He was the first ever IC Champion, but he lost it to fearful male child the same night after another little fight in the back. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â That last title fought that night was for the Tag-Team titles of the pay-per-view Winter Mania I. The opponents were from the power stable called page 6 Degeneration X. The deuce members of that stable had their own tag-team name called The New aged(a) Outlaws. The dickens members were street Dogg Dewey Dulong and the famous Badass Ryan McCauley. Their opponents were squawker son and Warhead. Chicken son and road Dogg were fierce rivals and Warhead and Badass were fierce rivals. This was a very good match up. They fought until you could see their own blood. The match was a long and cold one (since it was in the winter). track Dogg gave Chicken Boy his finisher and went for the pin, but Warhead saved his confederate in good time. Chicken tagged in his companion and so didnt Road Dogg. Badass and Warhead went at it with some weapons. This match was a no DQ. Eventually after a long time, Badass got his revenge of losing his at the WWF Title and gave Warhe! ad a fame-asser and a 3 count to win the tag match and be the first ever Tag-Team Champion with Road Dogg. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, children of all ages, Degeneration X proudly brings to you, WWF Tag-Team Champions of the WOOORLD! The Road Dogg Dewey Dulong, the Badass Ryan McCauley, The NEW aged OUTLAWSand if you dont like that, I got two haggle for ya, SUCK IT!! New Aged Outlaws, 1998- January of 1998 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â WWF was starting to get more and more intense by the week. Val Penis was s till battling for the loyal belt. Chicken Boy was running from a fierce opponent by the name of HHH for the popular IC title. The Tag Titles were being fought and kept by the Outlaws all the time as they defeat every alliance. persist but not least, the WWF Heavyweight Title was dummy up a big story with the undisputed champion Warhead. The story lines continue smoothly all the way till the carry Per View at the end of the month -ON fragile trash - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The first match of the night was a triple threat Match for the IC Title. The Opponents were HHH, Chicken Boy (the Champion), and Road Dogg Dewey Dulong. HHH has been chasing Chicken Boy for a title shot ever since he lost it. The two have been fighting each other till they both bled for three longs weeks. Road Dogg got pulled in because HHH and Road Dogg were both on the same team and Road Dogg was circumstances his upset friend. Basically, the match was impossible for Chicken Boy to win. Page 7 The match was fought without a doubt that HHH was going to win with the help of his right-hand man. HHH suddenly gave the Pedigree to Chicken Boy and then there was a tone of medicinal do drugs getting loud. The crowd cheered loudly when they saw Warhead mien of walking towards the ring. At first, Warhead sat there and distracted both Road Dogg and the referee. HHH had the match won, but the distracted ref could not count the three to end the long match. Road Dogg then ran afte r the WWF champion and they started brawling. The mat! ch then continued. In the end, HHH was still victorious by big Chicken Boy another Pedigree while the ref looking at the opponents giving the new Intercontinental champion the 1 2 3ding ding ding! The next main match was for the Tag-Team titles. This match was a no DQ and the only way you could win was by tapping out. The opponents were the new team called the Luv Brothers and the champs the New Aged Outlaws. The rivals started fighting each other before because the Luv Brothers kept verbalise they were the ones who should be the tag team champions over and over again every night on WWF Showtime! The Outlaws accepted to give them a shot at the titles, so they fought tonight. The match started out with Road Dogg again and Penis Luv (Badass Ryan McCauley had to take it easy because he had a title shot that night against Warhead). The two went at it and were fighting desperately to get to their partners. Badass and Road Dogg did very well together doing all kinds of double moves an d tagging. Vagina Luv almost had the match won by submitting Road Dogg with a Luv Crab, but Badass came to his rescue very quickly. The matched went a little longer, but then Badass got Penis Luv into a Crossface to him tap out in the matter of time. At the end of the match, Badass held down Vagina Luv and Road Dogg gave him the biggest leg drop that WWF has seen so far. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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